Being a constellation of small Satellites, “low cost”, MAGAL can significantly improve the Oceans Monitoring, by flying a larger number of Constellations and in that way, making available a more often and spread data of Oceans.
MAGAL constellation shall have a time resolution of five days with an identical spatial resolution to current missions. Profiting the new concept of MAGAL radar altimetry and exploring a custom radar altimeter compatible with small satellites option, we are moving the Oceans Monitoring to the domain of the “New Space” business, which can easily scale the coverage of the oceans monitoring to a global level.
MAGAL is being developed as a strong partnership between industry and the scientific community, keeping the expertise in their domains. Data centre concept will keep the scientific community as the owners of the corrections and services/products algorithms, ensuring in that way the continuous support and update of the available services, while new algorithms and services can be exploited. This background work will be completely transparent to the end-user, which will have a continuous up-to-date and supported service, as subscribed.
The side event “MAGAL, Ocean Radar Altimetry, a New Approach” is part of the UN Ocean Conference 2022 Program, will focus mainly in three topics:
- Introduction to Radar Altimetry, current state-of-art and trends
a. Radar altimetry introduction
b. Current available solutions for oceans monitoring, with associated performance, services and products
c. On preparation satellites / constellations and associated trends - MAGAL Constellation project
a. MAGAL objectives, key figures and architecture
b. MAGAL differences and enhancements
c. Radar altimeter, architecture and performance
d. Ground segment, data centre concept and architecture - Debate panel with end-users of the main business cases and Radar altimetry expert
a. Open discussion on end-user expectations and needs
b. What information do they want to extract from radar altimetry
c. How do they want to have the services, products, data
d. Understand the MAGAL concept acceptance from the end-user point of view